Directed Study

In the graduate program, JMC 815, JMC 851 and JMC 852 act as directed study opportunities for students to work on semester-long projects with faculty members. The directed study allows students to generate creative projects or research outside the confines of a traditional classroom.

JMC 815, Investigation and Conference, allows students to work on independent research projects with faculty. Examples of JMC 815 work include an annotative bibliography, designing a research method for the thesis or dissertation, or collecting data to be used for a conference paper. The outcomes of JMC 815 work should benefit a student’s research agenda.

JMC 851 and JMC 852 are professional skills courses that allow students to gain experience in their media field of study or enhance teaching skills. Examples of JMC 851 or JMC 852 work include a series of investigative stories to be published or broadcast professionally, developing an app for media information distribution, or creating a marketing strategy for a non-profit organization.

A proposal for a directed study needs to be approved by the faculty member who has agreed to mentor the student. There are no limitations or restrictions to the directed study project, however, the number of directed studies is limited to one (1). Additional directed study opportunities need to come at the approval of the Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies.

(Adopted Fall 2015)