Mya Peterson

"Being transparent and willing to learn are the keys to a successful internship."
Mya Peterson
Mya Peterson (center) was an intern for WSLAM.


Working with WSLAM has truly been a dream come true. Before my internship, I made sure to do my homework as many would say. For so many years, I had viewed SLAM/WSLAM from a fan perspective. To make sure I was ready on my first day, I changed my perspective and began my research, reviewing social platforms (Instagram, Twitter and TikTok) to create an analysis of WSLAM to competitors (Overtime Women’s Basketball, Togethxr and JustWomenSports).

SLAM, based in New York City, began in 1994 as a basketball magazine combining the sport with hip hop. The magazine carries advertising for basketball related products, street-wear clothing and hip hop music. WSLAM launched in 2019 as a channel on social media under SLAM on Twitter and Instagram, then later grew to TikTok, Facebook and YouTube. WSLAM is a partner of the WNBA.

On my first day, I met with my adviser, Camille Buxeda, the director of SLAM and WSLAM, to discuss expectations and goals for the summer. Being transparent and willing to learn are the keys to a successful internship, I made sure to listen when Camille gave early advice. She is direct and passionate, gives great feedback and always opens the floor for new ideas on how we can grow as a team.

The three goals we discussed that first day included:

  1. Becoming comfortable in networking spaces and learning what my personal brand will be as I created content that is community forward with women’s basketball
  2. Keys to staying consistent with my Instagram Live Series, SPOTLIGHT
  3. Building strong connections and relationships with WSLAM/SLAM and how to build a company/platform from scratch and stick with an idea

By my second week, I pitched my first idea — Weekly Rundown — originally pitching the video concept as an “email” to then have a full brainstorm with Camille and transitioning the format to a “text thread.” The Weekly Rundown updates current events within the WNBA. I was given a hard deadline of a week to complete a proof of concept. Within 24 hours, I had a mock draft. The next week Camille and I deconstructed the draft and talked through critiques. I then was given the same deadline for a second mock draft with the new adjustments. This process taught me how to take constructive criticism, continue to work through problems and learn how to update a concept. The hard work paid off as the first episode of Weekly Rundown premiered on June 30 on Instagram and TikTok.

The best part of the internship would have to be the family atmosphere. SLAM is a small company (40 employees). Everyone is a part of the team is so inclusive and willing to help. I have had the opportunity to work with the Brand Partnership teams and the magazine editors. The overall experience looked as if couldn’t get any better, then I was asked to join Camille in Chicago for WNBA All Star Weekend July 9-10 to assist and ultimately be her right hand during the production and behind the scenes of the festivities. Overall, this is my dream internship, so the ultimate goal was to create a long-term relationship to be able to work after the internship and help out in the upcoming years.

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Want an internship but don't know where to start? Still looking but need a little advice? Contact the J-School's Career and Outreach Center! Coordinator Steve Rottinghaus can help you get your foot in the door.